October 17th to 22nd, 2016


Rome, Via Salaria 113


Department of Communication and Social Research, Sapienza University of Rome

Media Village International School is a high quality training on the most advanced techniques of design and development of digital content, with particular reference to the management of effective communication strategies. It is promoted by the Department of Communication and Social Research and Start up Digizen, Sapienza University of Rome.

Media Village gives the opportunity to acquire a high level of digital skills pointing on the development of appropriate ICT specialist skills.


  • Giving to young people effective tools in communication and digital services to respond to the expectations of the labor market.
  • Teaching methods and strategies to manage communication contents through digital means.
  • Testing digital communication tools to acquire a high level of digital skills, in line with the e-CF European e-Competence Framework - European Digital Agenda reference tool - pointing on the development of appropriate ICT specialised skills.



The school lasts 32 hours in October (the min. attendance has to be at least 75%). At the end of the school all students obtain the certification and 3 ECTS. List of subjects:

  1. Communication Management (Laboratory)
  2. International Digital Literacy and European Policies for Communication and Digital skills
  3. Videomaking Production(Laboratory)
  4. Multimedia Presentation Design and Public speaking (Laboratory)



Students coming from all different countries in the global world, that are interested in developing digital and communicative skills.



The school lasts one week, from October 17th to 22nd, 2016 and it will take place in Rome, Via Salaria 113 (Department of Communication and Social Research, Sapienza University of Rome).


At the end of the course each student will receive the participation certificate.

The tuition fee is  € 300. The deadline for the submission of application is October 3rd, 2016.

MEDIA VILLAGE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL                          Tel. +39 0649918327